To transform Santa Cruz County into a safe, affordable and equitable transportation community.


To create a spectacular Greenway as a backbone of an active transportation and transit network.

Statement of Principles

The Santa Cruz County Coastal Corridor is a unique resource with enormous potential to enhance life by connecting people from all walks of life. Like the corridor itself, the process of determining the best use of the corridor should unify the community.

This Statement of Principles attempts to capture the outcomes we all seek:

  • An equitable multi-modal transportation corridor​​ that provides alternative commuter options from Watsonville to Santa Cruz, including transit, bike, and pedestrian facilities.

  • Built as quickly as possible​​, for the lowest possible cost and highest projected usage by all modes and people of all ages, abilities and income, with the least environmental impact.

  • In a way that has the most positive impact on the communities it traverses​​, by uniting neighborhoods, enhancing health, safety and beauty, while improving access to shops, amenities and recreational facilities.

  • That is most adaptable to emerging ACES (Automated, Connected, Electric, Shared) transportation technologies​​ such as bike share, scooters, electric and automated buses and avoids the risk of stranded costs as technology evolves.

[This is a “living” document to be updated as needed.]