About Santa Cruz County Greenway

Motivated by the prospect of a scenic, safe, and functional 32-mile bicycle and pedestrian path winding from Davenport to Watsonville, community members formed the Great Santa Cruz Trail Group. We are now Santa Cruz County Greenway.

Our Greenway will save mature trees and existing foliage and include innovative native landscaping along a state-of-the-art active transportation route. Greenway users will enjoy healthy exercise, fresh air, and open spaces as they travel safely from neighborhood to neighborhood. We hope to see Greenway evolve as the backbone of a countywide protected bicycle network that connects to a modern, efficient bus system.

We are a grassroots community organization with over 10,000 residents who support Greenway and have said we can use their name as endorsers. Read why your neighbors are supporting Greenway.


The Great Santa Cruz Trail Group hired Nelson Nygaard to study a trail-only option in 2016. Based on the study, trail-only construction is estimated to cost about $70M. Now that Measure D has allocated $85M for a trail in the corridor, we can pay back $11M in Prop 116 funds to the State of California, build the Greenway for a fraction of the cost of the RTC’s current rail-with-trail plan, and reallocate the remaining Measure D trail and track maintenance funds for other transit improvements including additional safe bicycle and pedestrian routes. We believe this is the wisest plan for Santa Cruz County.